Senin, 08 Desember 2014

Eddies Adelia jailed keep style

Eddies Adelia is a beautiful woman who became prisoners of rattan home with her a wealth of money laundering cases.

But this woman keep her appearance even in the crease because according to him, does not mean we are in prison can not dandam fact I could would, but the difference did not wear the clothes I semerek once. but it does not make me be worried.

Eddies entered crease bamboo hut with regard to cases of fraud husband $ 1 billion to be given seven times transfer to the account of eddies with a police investigation conducted Jakarta Police suspect that the money was the result of fraud committed by her husband Ferry Setiawan

Said eddies in the crease "although here I dibebasi to dress up but I could not feel free for my languishing behind bars. fundamentally no different now with Only once independence was just a little torn as can be seen only .Yes I can not use the already not use cars, luxury handbags.

With what I experienced was not I think is a disaster but I think is the pleasure given by the gods to me because I could .beristiqomah to change for the better.


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