Selasa, 18 November 2014

The Beauty Ta'aruf

For Muslim teenagers, many teens who generally do not understand the meaning of courtship in Islam. Islam does not teach their courtship, but rather a way ta'aruf.

Ta'aruf in Islam is one of the media dating but in Islam is often called a gathering activities, introduction to the underlying find a mate .Ta'aruf can also be done with the help of between two sides who already know the good and bad about the situation from both sides willing parties in an arranged marriage. As an example of the parents themselves, immediate family (brother and sister), and next of kin of both parties.

The purpose of ta'aruf is that the candidate of the couple avoid lust demons are always persuade to do something that is forbidden by Allah Swt.
So from the above explanation we can conclude difference courtship and ta'aruf
Courtship is the relationship of a man's woman who just live without altruistic important family tree between both love each other and love each other alone.

A highly significant difference was about courtship and ta'aruf, if going out only concerned with selfish interests and desires only. But unlike ta'aruf, for ta'aruf have goals on the blessings God Allah Swt and Syar'i in Islamic law
So for teens now try not to date because of courtship is not much wisdom that can take it is sin that we collect.

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